Health Department

Cold Weather Safety - Warming Centers Available

When temperatures drop, remember to take action to stay safe. Limit time outdoors. Watch for signs of frostbite including skin that is whitish and stiff and will feel numb rather than painful. Wear several layers of lightweight clothing and keep your head and ears covered and cover your mouth with to protect your lungs. Wear mittens rather than fingered gloves. If you are traveling in a car, bring extra clothing to keep warm in case of a breakdown. Remember also to limit the time your pets spend out of doors.

Take steps to protect your pipes from freezing. Open cabinet doors to warm up the pipes. You can prevent freezing by keeping a small trickle of water running through the pipes on extra cold days.

To see a list of area Warming Centers: Warming Centers




The federal government has again made COVID-19 rapid tests available to every household. Place an order to receive four free tests delivered directly to your home. Go to



Village of Franklin Park Senior Health and Resource Fair 2024


Having Problems Paying Your Utility Bills?

There are resources available for those who qualify to help pay for utilities including heat, electricity, and water bills as well as repairing or replacing your heating system.  To learn more about the programs available, qualifications and the documents required to apply, call 800-571-2332 or go to



Behind on Housing on Housing Costs Due to COVID-19?

You may be eligible to apply for up to $60,000 in emergency mortgage assistance paid directly to your mortgage servicer. The homeowner must have experienced a COVID-related hardship after January 21, 2020, and be delinquent on mortgage, property taxes, and/or condo association fees. The homeowner must currently own and occupy the property as their primary residence. Proof of citizenship is not required. Homeownership assistance is not a “public-charge” benefit.

Learn more at If you have questions, go to or Toll Free at (866) 454-3571.


Cook County Legal Aid for Housing and Debt

Legal counseling is available to landlords, tenants and homeowners who have fallen behind in payments, need payment restructuring, and/or assistance in eviction or foreclosure courts. The program also provides access to Cook County’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program. Information and application materials are available at Residents may also call the hotline at (855) 956-5763.



In August 2019, the Board dedicated the Cheryl McLean Walking Path in honor of the former Village Trustee who advocated for a healthier community. McLean took the first steps on the new Village Walking Path when it was opened in 2013. The walking path can be accessed from the Police Station parking lot.



Mowing Lawns, Clearing Clutter Helps Everyone

Garbage bins should always be closed with lids securely fastened to prevent critters from reaching a food source. Keep the area around your garbage bins free of trash, food scraps and spills.

Make sure to pick ripe fruits and vegetables in your garden right away to eliminate a food source for pests and insects. Also, please remember to clean-up after your pet while on walks and in your own backyard. Dog waste is full of disease causing bacteria and parasites that can be harmful to humans and is a food supply for rodents. Also, do not leave pet food or water bowls outside which can attract unwanted wildlife.

If you are disabled or elderly and need assistance complying, please call (847) 671-4800. Also, if you see properties that need to be maintained, please call the Village.




Clean-up After Your Pets

For the safety and enjoyment of everyone, please keep your furry friend on a leash and always clean-up after them, even on your own property. Dog waste is full of more disease-causing bacteria and parasites than other types of waste and can be harmful to humans and spread disease to other dogs. Remember to carry extra waste bags with you wherever you roam with your four-legged pal. Your neighbors thank you for your consideration and for practicing good pet owner etiquette.




The Village of Franklin Park has been working to deter rodent activity and has retained Orkin to set and regularly maintain more bait boxes throughout town. The Village has recently doubled the number of bait boxes in alleys, now totaling nearly 800.  DO NOT MOVE BAIT BOXES OR PUT THEM IN YOUR YARDS – ONLY ORKIN TECHNICIANS SHOULD HANDLE BAIT BOXES.

The problem cannot be solved without your help - Please eliminate sources of food and hiding places on and around your property.

Garbage bins should always be closed with lids securely fastened to prevent critters from reaching a food source. Keep the area around your garbage bins free of trash, food scraps and spills. The Village is issuing tickets for any garbage overflowing out of containers and on the ground. 

Residents can rent an additional trash bin for $3.66 per month. Call (847) 671-8258.

Mow your lawn on a regular basis and eliminate weeds in alleys and areas behind homes. Overgrown lawns and weeds are breeding grounds for rodents and insects. The Village is issuing tickets to homeowners if their grass is over six inches high.

Also, please remember to clean up after your pet while on walks and in your own backyard. Dog waste is a food supply for rodents. Do not leave pet food or water bowls outside which can attract unwanted wildlife. Pick ripe fruits and vegetables in your garden right away to eliminate a food source for pests and insects.

If you are disabled or elderly and need assistance complying, call (847) 671-4800. If you see properties that need to be maintained, please call the Village.

© 2011 - Village of Franklin Park, 9500 Belmont Avenue, Franklin Park, IL 60131, tel: (847) 671-4800