Public Works
Public Works is comprised of three divisions that perform all the duties that help provide us with water, utilities and help maintain its overall physical infrastructure. It is comprised of three divisions: Water & Sewer, Streets and Fleet Maintenance. Each division performs critical functions for our Village and is described in more detail below.
Water & Sewer Division
The Village has four combined sewer overflow locations along the Des Plaines River. To view information related to any discharges along the River from the Village or neighboring upstream communities, visit the Combined Sewer and Overflow Event Information page available on the website of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD).
Streets Division
The Village Streets Division handles all public street, right-of-way and landscaping responsibilities including street repairs, our forestry program, brush removal, street sweeping, alley maintenance, snow removal and traffic and street sign replacement.
Fleet Maintenance Division
The Village owns and maintains many specialized and common vehicles for providing services to our community. The Fleet Maintenance Division provides and coordinates all vehicle maintenance, repair and mechanical enhancements for our entire fleet - including our Police and Fire vehicles.

High Water Bills Could Mean You Have a Leak
To avoid unusually high-water bills, check to make sure that your faucets and toilets are not leaking or running and that they are in good operating condition. If you suspect there is a leak somewhere in your home and you need help locating it, schedule an appointment with the Village’s Water Department, by emailing with your name, address, and phone number. Also, check the top of your water bill for the type of reading you received. If your bill states ESTIMATED, please call (847) 671-8252 to schedule an appointment to obtain an accurate reading.

Watch for Scams
If you receive something in the mail requesting the need to
have a worker conduct an inspection in your home, please
review the information carefully to verify if it is really from
the Village. If you are unsure, please contact the Village at
(847) 678-2444.
As a reminder, residents should always ask for identification
from anyone requesting access to their home. If you are
approached by an individual claiming to be a Village of
Franklin Park employee or a worker from a local utility,
make sure they have proper identification. You can also
check to see that they are driving a clearly marked Village
of Franklin Park or utility company vehicle. If something
seems suspicious or it just doesn’t “feel” right to you, please
call the Franklin Park Police Department at 847-678-2444.

WaterSmart Program
Franklin Park residents can sign-up to have access to a program designed to help you reduce your water usage and save money on your monthly water bills. WaterSmart is an online program that allows users to review and understand their water use. Setting up an account is fast, easy and free from a computer, tablet or smartphone.
Users can analyze current water use and also review usage history from monthly figures even down to an hourly use. The program also allows you to set up alerts via text or email to help you detect leaks or other unintended water use. In addition, you can compare your water use with other similar users in your area.
To enroll, please call (847) 671-8252.
Program Provides Coverage For Outside Water Lines
The National League of Cities Service Line Warranty Program covers the consumer-owned portion of the primary water or sewer service line from the foundation of the home (including portions of the line which may be buried or embedded in a concrete slab beneath the home) to the public utility connection.
The NLC Service Line Warranty Program provides generous coverage for repair to the clogged, broken or leaking water and sewer lines serving the residential home when the flow of the line is interrupted due to normal wear and tear. Additional coverage allowances are provided if public street or sidewalk cutting is required in order to make the repair. All permits and line locations, if needed, are obtained by the plumbing professional at no cost to the homeowner prior to making the repair. All repairs conform to the Village's plumbing and excavating codes.
- No annual/lifetime limits on the number of repairs
- No hidden service fees or deductibles
- More than 97% of submitted claims are approved
- Toll-free 24-hour hotline with bilingual agents
- Network of local, trusted and professional contractors
- Repairs are generally completed within 24 hours
- Line repairs comply with city code.
For questions about this service, or to enroll, please contact Service Line Warranties of America at 866-922-9006 or visit