Water Ambassador

Congratulations to the Village of Franklin Park for achieving their first Gold Level status in the Illinois Section of the American Water Works Association's Water Ambassador Program! The Village obtained this status for working to educate consumers about water sustainability and the responsibility we all have to protect this essential resource. Representatives from the organization presented the certificate to Franklin Park's Deputy Utilities Commissioner Nick Weber and Interim Utilities Commissioner Joseph Thomas Jr. at a recent Board Meeting.
Water is essential for human health, food security, energy supplies, sustaining communities, and ecosystems. Today, the world’s water systems are facing a growing crisis, threatened by overuse, pollution, and climate change. Let's all do our best to protect and conserve water.

The week of May 19 - 25 is Public Works Week. Thank you to our local crews who plan, build, and manage our streets and infrastructure in Franklin Park!

Click the link to purchase rain barrels:


About the WaterSmart Portal
The Village's WaterSmart Portal provides users with the ability to pay their bills online, sign up for leak alerts, get water saving tips, compare their water usage to their neighborhood average and more.
Create an account to get started today! Learn more in the videos below.
October 19 is Imagine a World Without Water Day

Without water you wouldn't be able to brush your teeth, flush the toilet, make your coffee, run your washer or take a shower. Firefighters wouldn't be able to put out fires. Take a moment to consider the important role water and wastewater services play in our daily lives. Let's all do our part to protect our precious yet limited water resources. Start with these five items:
Install a Water-saving Toilet Flush System
Take a Shower for 5 Minutes or Less
Turn Off the Tap While Brushing Your Teeth & Washing Your Hands
Don't Keep The Tap Running While Washing Dishes/Utensils
Close Taps Properly and Fix Leaking Taps, Pipes & Toilets
How prepared are you if disaster strikes?
September is National Preparedness Month, so take time to ensure you, your family and your pets have supplies and space if disaster strikes. Here is a checklist in case you are unsure where to begin. https://ow.ly/WoWo50PH7Wk #ilwaterambassador #isawwa #awwa

August is National Water Quality Month
August is Water Quality Month, and it is no surprise that one of the hottest months of the year reminds us to be mindful of how we use and take care of our water supply. With only 10% of the world having access to clean water, it is up to us collectively to take care of it. Ways to protect our water:
- Wash your car at a car wash, it saves water and prevents toxic chemicals from being flushed down the storm drains.
- Pick up after your pet. Animal waste is full of nitrogen which removes oxygen from the water leaving it completely unusable for aquatic life.
- Do not hose down your driveway – use a broom!
- Do not use fertilizers made with phosphorus because chemicals can leak into groundwater sources.
- Do not flush expired or unwanted medication down the toilet.
- Take used oil or antifreeze to a recycling center.
- Avoid using antibacterial soaps or cleaning products because they are toxic to marine life.
- Use a rain barrel to collect rainwater.
Mowing your lawn on a regular basis and removing weeds, including in alleys and areas behind your home, helps to eliminate places for mosquitoes to breed.
Thank you for your cooperation.